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stift gottweig

stift gottweig

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • TexInWien01
    At almost 1000 years old, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is full of history. We went out of season, so the museum was closed, and, unfortunately the weather was pretty dismal, but we plan to return when the museum is open and the weather is (hopefully) nicer!The abbey sits atop a hill, around 400 meters higher than its immediate surroundings, offering stunning views of the vineyards that carpet the rolling hills between it and the Danube, further off in the distance. If you're up for it, you can take a short hike from the foot of the hill, up through the woods on your way to visit the Abbey.There's no entrance fee if you're just looking to walk around the Abbey grounds and look inside the a few of the buildings, including the church. There is a fee for the museum, I believe, as well as for guided tours.We didn't get to tour the museum, but the pictures I've seen look pretty fantastic, so we're looking forward to seeing what they have to offer during our next visit.We finished off our tour with dinner in the restaurant, and were pleasantly surprised by the quality and flavor of the dishes we tried. I had the wild game goulash, which was out of this world. We tried a total of two entrees, one soup and two desserts, and all of them were absolutely delicious - way beyond our expectations. Neither my wife nor my mother-in-law, who were also with me that day, are fans of wild game, but neither of them could keep their grubby forks away from my plate ;)The portions were generous and the quality was superlative. Our drinks were no exception - the coffee with dessert was quite good, and my beer was fresh and tasty.I can definitely recommend spending a few hours at Stift Gottweig, especially if you can make it when the museum is open and the weather is clear!
  • hoangyal
    I've spent 3 nights at the Abbey's guest house this October. En-suite room is spartan but comfortable, breakfast is excellent. Book a museum tour. The main staircase and the ceiling fresco is wonderful and the exhibits are very interesting. My two favorite objects were: the wooden calendar with the paintings (émail) of the patron saints of each day of the year and the so called night oil clock. The 900 page catalogue is on sale for 6 Euros. Visit Melk and Krems and see the Wachau. And don't forget to taste the local Marillen (apricot) jam, it is one of a kind.
  • Miklas0815
    The location of the monastery is just great. On the top of the hill you have a great view over the Danube valley and the beginning of the Wachau.Entering the monastery you have to pass a visitor centre that looks like a highway restaurant from 1980s. Very expensive, but tasteless - which seems to be the motto of this place. Over the centuries the monks have robbed the farmers from their lands and money and have accumulated land and riches. What they have not obtained (unlike their brothers in Melk) is taste. The rooms look like in the palace of an emperor, not unlike the palaces in Schönbrunn or Versailles. The exhibits in the rooms have been put there without any context or documentation, there is no story being told in these walls.Stift Göttweig is the perfect showcase of what decades of decadence does to people.
  • vmilman
    A proper way of reaching this amazing complex is by bike - and you will be really glad when the climb is over! Gottweig Abbey can be seen for tens of miles around, and there are predictably scenic views from the top. Half of the complex is open for visitors, most of that is packaged as a "museum visit". There is an amazing fresco on the staircase ceiling, and lots of other little curiosities on display. Still the main attraction for me is the architecture of the buildings and the view onto the valley.
  • Tini_Montreal
    Göttweig abbey is a beautiful location, especially for weddings. The scenery overlooking the vineyards is priceless. Excellent restaurant with typical Austrian dishes and own vine.
  • 262charlies
    Less well known as the Melk Abbey the trip was worth while just for viewing the ceiling art alone painted by Paul Troger in 1739.
  • GertJ880
    Compared to the well-known Abbey of Melk/Milk, the Gottweig Abbey is equally impressive but less commercially exploided than Melk, beautifully situated on a mountain top of Fürth. Worthwhile the detour when you're in the Vienna-area ! (in particular the WW II-occupation of the monastry by the SS/Nazi's is rather "intresting" history
  • ytfu
    A gigantic stift on a hilltop overlooking Donau valley. A very nice outdoor restaurant in front of the stift, enjoying fantastic view while enjoying the Austrian cuisine. After lunch, we visited the stift, Very nice courtyard.
  • 97Monika
    Ich komme gerade mit meiner Gruppe aus N.Ö. und unter anderem besuchten wir auch Stift Göttweig und seinen Weihnachtsmarkt!Schon das Stift alleine ist absolut sehenswert, wunderschöne Innenausstattung und grandiose Aussicht auf die Wachau!Der Weihnachtsmarkrt - immer nur für wenige Tage - ist absolut besuchenswert, liegt in den Gewölbegängen des Stiftes und bietet wirklich einheimische Produkte und handarbeiten - keine Massenware!!! - zu absolut fairem Preis. Das Essen im Stiftsrestaurant ist ebenfalls eine Mahlzeit wert, tolle Aussicht, rasche Bedienung.Ich komme ganz gewiss wieder, zu einer anderen Jahreszeit - vielleicht zur nächsten Marillenblüte!
  • Th0masPaul
    Nach mehrmaligen Besuchen auf Stift Göttweig habe ich gestern im Rahmen des Adventmarktes erstmals das Innere des Stiftes besichtigt und war überwältigt von den prunkvollen Räumen, den antiken Möbeln, den Gemälden und anderen Kunstwerken. Die anschließende gregorianische Messe war ein schöner Abschluss. Das perfekte Schlechtwetterprogramm in der Wachau! Das Restaurant ist auch gemütlich und kulinarisch durchaus solide. Eines der highlights für mich in Niederösterreich, nicht einmal eine Stunde Autofahrt von Wien entfernt. Tipp: die Kirche und den Innenhof kann man gratis besichtigen!
  • MariaS49
    Были на экскурсиях в виноградниках,и заглянули в это местечко!Древнее богатейшее аббатство бенедиктинцев, интересный музей внутри, сам храм и вид с горы, на котором построено аббатство.Очень величественное сооружение, поражает красотой и развитостью культуры.Интересно для посещения,если вы рядом!
  • Boris068
    Hade tur med guiden som berättade om hur Benediktinermunkarna civiliserade regionen...det är ett vackert kloster med underbara vyer över Donaudalen/Wachau. Besök även Melk!
  • harbi_music
    Das Göttweig thront ein paar Kilometer außerhalb von krems auf einem mächtigen Hügel, die Parkplätze lassen einen direkt über der weiten, wunderschönen Landschaft parken.Es gibt oben auch ein nettes, nicht ganz billiges, Restaurant und die Aussicht sowie die Architektur des Stifts sind atemberaubend, wir waren begeistert, und bei einem Wachau-Besuch sollte es gemeinsam mit dem Besuch von Stift Melk schon zum Standardprogramm gehören (alleine schon wegen der Aussicht!)
  • E5577QC_
    Монастырь Гёттвайг. Очень симпатичный монастырский комплекс, расположенный в изумительно красивом высоком месте. При монастыре есть ресторан с верандой, с которой открываются виды на Кремс и долину Дуная.
  • FranzZ117
    Es ist schon bei der Anreise , von weiten zu sehen , wie es auf den Hügel trohnt . Wenn man dann oben ist , und einen Parkplatz gefunden hat , kann man dann das Stift besichtigen Es gibt auch dort sehr viel Prunk zu sehen , man sollte auf jedenfall eine Führung machen . War alles sehr interessant , gerne wieder
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