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ars electronica center

ars electronica center

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Andreas_Hauser
    Was a perfect day with friends from the UK! It is a pleasure to have such a great thing in Linz to bring friends there to have a good time!
  • mariaf933
    Very interesting, and unlike lots of attractions in the city the exhibits have English translations. There are also English speaking staff at most of the exhibits to help you get the most out of it, and tours. You need a lump of time to see it all, we popped in for an hour and just wizzed round the things that interested us most, then lunch in the cafe which was nice but deserves a separate review. If you have a linz card, this is free entry. A must if you have kids, I'd say.
  • 479nicholasb
    The concept of this facility didn't live up to our hopes. Exhibits were rather random and there was no clear coherence behind the museum. Went to see the 3d show and most of the time was spent watching previews for future imax releases. Building architecture was the best part. If you have limited time in Linz, spend it elsewhere. Doesn't come close to major tech museums in other parts of Europe and the US.
  • Gerold2013
    The building itsef is already a big sight. Many interactive possibilities, most interesting is the so called "Deep Space" - a great experience - also for kids!
  • 319kristinab
    I really like this center. We visited Ars Electronica 2 times and both was amazing. They have very good 3D cinema. I like it.
  • jseta
    Ars Electronica Center is the most prominent thing in Linz city center for me. I've been in Linz several times and two times in Ars Electronica. For the first time (about 6 years ago) it was quite good, interesting equipment, some surprising facts received, but the technology presented wasn't as high-end as I expected.Nowadays Ars Electronica is much bigger and there are much more interactive exhibits, more employees who are kind and helpful, the interior is really nice nad "hi-tech" and the technology is moved to really world-class level. You see much of robotics and mechanics which is really interesting.And the most unique thing I haven't seen anywhere else is the outdoor lighting. You can actually control the lighting via a panel next to the river. Although the panel is on only for limited time in the evening, when you get to it in the right time, it's really fun experience you won't forget.
  • MihirPillai
    I may have had too high expectations from "into the future" museum . Everyone in Linz seems to recommed it. We went there as a group of 3, and had quite a lot of fun. Lot of interesting things to do, including making your own music, and getting your designs printed on a 3D printer. The guides there are extremely helpful and witty. The 3D show of space science into the future, the highlight of the place, was however available only in German, and seemed a little outdated. But overall, it was a good way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon in Linz.
  • DeeLayla
    Whoever thinks of itself as a person interested in arts, science, emerging technologies, unexpected researches and fantastic creative shows, Ars Electronica and its festival are MUST. Just that simple.
  • AnnaH477
    A must see museum. You can spend hours there, it´s fun experience for adults and kids. Ideal for the family.
  • BunchaSwiss
    ARS Electronica showcases new technology. It has 3D films, a history of the internet display and downstairs a series of "labs" with technology on music creation, biology, 3D printing and lots of other cool stuff. It is very hands on with lots of activities to try with helpful guides. A wonderful place to spend a couple of hours - particularly with keen teenagers. Our only problem was that we were on a cycling tour and spent a bit too long here and couldn't fit in the rest of the activities.It is in a stylish building on the south of the river and includes a very good restaurant.
  • EduardoJaad
    Picture this: I'm a geek who's backpacking through Europe and suddenly find out that there's this place in the middle of Austria, I totally had to see it so off I went. What an amazing collection of gizmos and stuff that you can play with, touch or use, the 3D movie is amazing and I'm pretty sure it is the same tech that Kraftwerk is currently using in their tour, robots here, 3D printers there, cellular chromatography downstairs, interactive installations upstairs and a lot of pretty gadgets and useful information all around. Would kill to work there!!! Where can I send my resume??Sidenote: fell in love with the movie guide, damn she was cute!!!
  • Richard10024
    The museum had a range of exhibits to keep the kids learning and entertained. These ranged from some older exhibits on basic items like sound - to getting to try new 3D printers. There was also a wonderful 3D movie where you got to stand up and feel like you were interacting with the movie.The museum is just over the bridge in the center of town or 2 blocks from the 1,2 or 3 tram.
  • SteveP684
    Situated very close to where our river cruise docked, the Ars Electronica was an easy walk across the Danube. The exhibits are diverse and interesting. There are many, many hands-on stations - lots of fun for all ages. The infotrainers (as the aides are called) are very helpful and many speak fluent English. Can easily be done in 2 hours but 4 hours or more would be needed to fully experience all it had to offer. We'll worth the admission and time.
  • KNichols2014
    Lots of different science and electronics related exhibits set up through out the center. There really is something for everyone. Possibly geared towards a younger audience, but we still saw some really cool things!!
  • honeybee1951
    We could have spent days here -- there is so much to see & do & learn. It's a very hands-on place, and there are staff in each exhibit area, who do demonstrations and help you with activities. The 3D films are good (although we went to one that we thought was going to be in English, but it was all in German)Very impressive!
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