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mariendom linz

mariendom linz

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • zhangmao
  • Kirsi-Maaria
    This was one of the (or the largest) church I've ever visited. Beautiful glass works done in both historical and modern styles.
  • 475amyk
    the largest cathedral in Linz! The guided steeple tour is worth the climb for a tremendous view of the city. Fascinating to learn more about the bell chamber and about the construction of the cathedral itself.
  • jays094
    If nearby this is worth a 30 minute visit to take in the size and splendor of the interior - the stained glass is special as is the size of the building. The lanes nearby are full of quaint little shops - we found one which was a house full of ornaments that just went on and on. There isn't a lot to do in Linz so this area and the Church should be on your list if you have the time
  • mariaf933
    Saw this in the snow, late afternoon, with the setting sun reflecting off the windows and stonework, it almost looked gold. Amazed how close they have built to it, modern buildings. Well worth a visit if you're in linz, if only for a short time
  • RafaelR957
    Didn't expect to find such big and tall cathedral in this town. Really worth a visit. Specially to see how high is the roof.
  • kcoers
    Imposing on the outside and surprisingly less so on the inside. The stained glass windows are beautiful
  • Elizatyx
    Unlike most other cathedrals in crowded cities (like the doms in Vienna), this cathedral is impressive and pretty empty, which makes the visit even better. The stained glass surrounding the interior is just amazing, they create the personality to the church. Definitely worth a visit.
  • catskierMichigan
    We wandered around Linz, poked around in a few other churches, not much to do in this city.We walked along some side roads & saw this spectacular site. For some reason you could not see it from a distant. Looks like it was copied from St Stephen's in Vienna.It was impressive. I have seen many churches, for some reason (maybe the enormity, the peacefulness, the emptiness)it ranked up there with one of the better churches.We took a bus tour out of town, and the guide spoke of it, we were the only ones on the bus who saw it that day, what a shame.
  • 362julij
    Breathtakingly beautiful - inside and out - and well worth a visit. After wandering narrow streets nearby, I literally gasped when I turned a corner and was met with this sight.
  • W3957YKjamesf
    The Mariendom dominates Linz and is one of the most attractive features of the city. Unlike many of the famous cathedrals in Europe this church is not overrun with tourists. Its huge interior and tasteful decoration encourages meditation. This is a jewel in an otherwise lackluster, modern Austrian town.
  • KNichols2014
    Beautiful, Gothic looking church from the outside. Inside, it is filled with gorgeous stained glass windows and it is enormous!!! A lovely, quiet place to visit and rest for a minute. There is a guided tour that we weren't able to take, but would have loved too.
  • LadaGaga
    I really enjoyed visiting this cathedral! Huge gothic church, the architecture is very impressive! Well worth a visit!
  • vamsally
    This is a rather modern gothic theater, finished in early 1920s, but that does not diminish its beauty. It is little away from the center of the town, but the spire is easily visible. Outside does not tell the story of inside beauty. The stained glass windows are little unconventional, but still beautiful and fitting. What is most wonderful is that you can walk in and enjoy the quiet in there without having to fight hundreds of tourists!
  • Davetnr2
    Gorgeous gothic cathedral. If you are in Linz, don't miss this. The chapels are lovely and deserve some attention to each one.
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