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kato drys bee & embroidery museum

kato drys bee & embroidery museum

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Cynthie_Leo
    This museum worths a visit if you are near Kato Drys. The collection is gathered by the family that also owns the building and they have lots of interesting old stories to tell you while guiding you through the collection. Don'ts miss it!
  • Chihir0L
    This museum collection was carefully gathered by a family and is now maintained by them as well. Lovely Elli talks about embroidery and how she does it, how she learnt it from her grandmother, its history, and Cyprus history by telling the story of her family. Yakovos, her husband, makes honey, olive oil and maybe a ton of other things. Both are lovely Cypriots, very happy people with a good sense of humor.You can buy the embroidered goods, olive oil, honey, handmade soap, marmalade, essential oils, etc. The village itself is only 120 people living in the middle of nowhere. But if you can get there (by bus/car or taxi), I highly recommend it! The village is lovely with narrow streets and traditional buildings. Views all around the village are gorgeous too!
  • Tatinka_E
    Good place to visit if you are in the near - to see traditional house, to hear stories about their history from nice owners, to buy some natural products.
  • panayi0tisy
    More than a Bee & Embroidery Museum. A pleasant journey in history, tradition and civilization of Cyprus.
  • nadiaemmanuella
    We ended up by the Bee & Embroidery Museum by accident, and it was the best accident! what an amazing way of showing all the best parts of both the agriculture of Cyprus in the old times and also the traditional home of a family. We had our guide, Elli, who was incredibly passionate and so sweet to show us around, and we met her family and saw her house in the end. it was just such an open and inviting atmosphere and I, really appreciated it. Can only be recommended for everyone!! xx
  • yiotsot
    We visited last Sunday on a road trip, ending up at Kato Drys village. Wow, what a charming little village! With amazing architecture, just a short drive from Larnaca, it’s somewhere not to be missed.The museum itself is a privately operated establishment, which has been owned by the family for generations, with a lot of care and passion clearly incorporated, seen in the detail of the exhibits. Walking from one room to another was like walking through time....Well worth the visit.
  • 53judithm
    Eine Fahrt ins Hinterland lohnt sich auf alle Fälle, auch wenn dadurch vielleicht ein Tag am Strand "verloren" geht, so gewinnt man atemberaubende Ausblicke!
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