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city hall (gradska kuca)

city hall (gradska kuca)

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Juuhuuu
    Just looking at it from the bottom is great. But you should definetely go to the top to the balcony and take the whole tour with a guide.The only bad and very anoying thing is that you can go upstairs just once a day. If you miss your chance you have to wait till the next day
  • sonjas713
    City Hall of Subotica is must see to anyone coming to North of Serbia.My take is that it is much better than many buildings I saw before of ancient style. Perfect colors, beautiful lighting.
  • Zlatan75Mitic
    A typical representative of the Hungarian Art Nouveau architecture, one of the most beautiful buildings in Subotica. The building is dominated by a tower with the top of which offers a spectacular view of the plain of Vojvodina, so be sure to climb the stairs to the mighty mountains. Be sure to visit the the assembly hall, which is located in this building, which is reached by an impressive staircase. The ambiance of this continent complement and fountains from the famous Zsolnay ceramics, situated in front of the Town House.
  • aleksandarj680
    It is very old and well-preserved buildings, everywhere one can feel the spirit of past times. everything is clean and organized. Whe you walk in you feel like you're back in time. you must visit this place!
  • Zveki76
    Natives tend to say that Subotica spread until you are able to see the top of the City Hall. In a middle of the town, a couple of hundreds of weddings are held in this building.
  • nikolabarun
    If you didn't see this and u'we been to Subotica..u missed the whole trip :) Really it is the heart of the city, beautiful building and lot of "important" offices of are there. Ofcourse it is in the middle and there is no way u can miss it. Interior is oldfashioned and if u like that kind of art, you should visit it for shure!
  • MarkoR463
    Subotica City Hall was built around 1910, very elegant baroque style, we just had a civil marriage there. Without doubt the nicest and largest City Hall for a civil marriage in Serbia, possibly even in the region. The great Hall is so baroque, exceptionally beautiful and bursting with elegance
  • Mahulena
    Wery nice especially in the evening . Walking through a Subotica is like in a storytale, every building has a charm .
  • krist_nah
    Unfortunately I didn´t have enough time to visit this hall inside because I was in Subotica just for small pause during our train trip to Montenegro. However I can say that this and some other buildings in Subotica give specific atmosphere to the town.
  • Max137_13
    Beautiful building settled in the heart of Subotica. Entire city life is concentrated around this building. The building is in good shape and after hundreds years still looks amazing.
  • Regentag
    For historical reasons, uniquely Serbia, Subotica has more buildings built in Art Nouveau style than any other cities, and these buildings are dominantly influenced by Hungarian Secessionist architects. The City Hall (built in 1908-1910) was built by the same architects, by Marcell Komor and Dezső Jakab from Budapest, Hungary as the Synagogue (1902). Both buildings are of outstanding beauty and shouldn't be missed.The building also contains a McDonald's, which has a unique interior.
  • AnaNBelgrade
    Every working day you can get a tour for a simbolic fee, at round 12h. Just ask at info point. Amaising wiev. Do not miss! Stories bout city included.
  • MichaelMr
    Budynek ciekawy, szczególnie polecam wejść na wieżę. Wstęp z przewodnikiem, kosztuje jakieś śmieszne pieniądze, a z góry jest bardzo ładny widok na całą Subotice. Trzeba się tylko samemu wdrapać po schodach :)
  • 283olgaz
    Здание ратуши просто необыкновенное! Обязательно стоит посмотреть на него и днем (чтобы рассмотреть детали) и ночью (из-за удивительной подсветки), обойти вокруг. В самом здании есть и сувенирный магазин и много других магазинов, и почему-то Макдональдс. Хотя даже туда стоит зайти потому что интерьер там удивительный! Внутри Градска Кућа впечатляет - мраморная лестница в главный зал с красивейшими витражами! Можно останавливаться буквально на каждом шагу, чтобы осмотреть детали интерьера.В декабре-январе рядом с ратушей проходит зимняя ярмарка - очень советую посетить, чтобы купить сувениров и попробовать традиционные угощения.
  • Ryzhulya
    Здание привлекает внимание и днем, но советую побродить вокруг ночью, оценить подсветку - в ее скупых лучах экстравагантное строение смотрится еще более вызывающим и мощным, а фонтаны на площади добавляют сказочности.
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