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hortobagyi nemzeti park

hortobagyi nemzeti park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • utka
    This is a huge land mass and not much to see, especially in the winter. The famous 9 whole bridge was disappointing in that it is much smaller than I imagined from pictures. The csarda, or restaurant at the bridge is a nice stop, they have good authentic food and one can purchase the famous gray cattle sausage here.
  • curi0ust00
    The wild west of Hungary. Herds men with dogs, fancy whip handling, great vista and hospitality with a big H. I highly recommend this area. We will be back for a longer visit sometime.
  • Aqua413
    We made the trip here from Budapest for some birdwatching. If you're travelling around the great cities of Europe it's a refreshing change to go to a rural area and experience the natural world for awhile. We hired bikes from our B&B and biked along the cycleway through the fields to the Park HQ. From there you get a mini train ride out into the wetland where there are viewing towers and hides. It wasn't prime birding season but we still saw plenty of species.
  • realbigbear
    Hortobagy is a welcome stop on your way to Sighetu Marmatiei, Romania. When we visited, the birds were few in the marshlands, but the little train that we rode was fun. The museum on the grounds is worthwhile and it only takes a short time to explore it. There is also a good restaurant and "souvenir" area nearby.
  • 576carlid
    The puszta is a very beautiful location. I go there every friday because horseback riding. I think this is a super turist center for families with children and for old or young people too. Evryone have to go to the Matai menes club to see the Nonius horses and my favourite Hungarian sport horse, Daru.
  • petersA8832MR
    I was visiting the puszta since my childhood and it made me very upset that the politicans destroy the unique atmosphere which the puszta has by making it tu a junk market with a big awful tourist-center. Since this year it is forbidden to visit the park with a traditional horsecoach but you have to use a bus of the goverment organisation. If you want to eat in the very good csarda you have to pay a parking fee (this does not mean that your car is protected. My car was opened in Hungary several times)The people in Hortobagy say that there are less and less people, the camping place was empty. The Mata Horseriding Hotel was nearly totaly empty.It's a shame to see that the officials destroy the unique atmosphere with a puszta- Disneyland and that with EU money.
  • Mihmur
    It si a 30 km drive from either Debrecen or spa resort Hajduszoboszlo. The Park offers multiple possibiities of spending time for both aduls and children. The first day we rented bikes and took the 20 km tour of the lakes with stops along the way to watch the storcks, cormorans, swans, geese and many other birds from the watchtowers. Next day we took the Safari trip where you can see the puszta envirnoment and many of the animals inhabitting it (jackals, wolves, eagles, pelicans, wild horses and oxes plus a full array of big birds). Afterwards we visited the birds hospital and witnessed a live surgery on a stork with a broken wing. It was amazing how many things we've learned about the specific fauna and how dedicated the staff is there. You can also visit another 2 museums of crafts and herdsmen, a permanent fair with specific souvenirs, not to mention the well-known Csarda (Hungarina inn) where you can taste all delicious Hungarian dishes while listening to Gipsy music.Schedule two full days for visiting the Park, it is worth it and prices for attractions are symbolic.Must say that we visited during the first day of Easter and everything was opened; this really show the dedication of staff and management for this well preserved reservation.
  • sharonjoymc
    Great day out. Went by bus from Debrecen. Go to the tourist info centre first and they will tell you what's on. The exhibitions are informative. Go out to the horse stud where you can visit the Puszta.
  • Poker589
    Try to take one of nice hotels in Hajduszoboszlo, ask for current cranes migrations directions and time in Tourist Info Centre in Hortobagy, do not missed walk to Kondas (Hortobágyi-halastó) pond and take with Your digital SLR camera with lens min 200 mm.
  • RobbieandCarmel
    Five of us went to Matai Menes to experience life on the Great Hungarian Plain. Before the tour we went through the stables to see the horses and bought some tradional lacework and ceramics from the little shops there. Then out to the plain in a horse drawn wagon to meet horsemen, see traditional farm dwellings and the unique horned sheep, Magalican pigs (low cholesterol!) and the grey cattle. It was really interesting and good fun. The only thing missing was the riding on multiple horse back.
  • mariaa920
    I was amazed how much I enjoyed the "puszta" landscape and the walks we made. First I thought, there is absolutely nothing there. Yellow grass, some cows, flies, and fata morgana. Well, yes, this is all there, but this "nothing" is more than you would first think. It is so calming and sedative being there. The grey cows are majestic and beautiful, and if you look carefully, there is much more vegetation than just yellow grass. Lovely and rare flowers, birds and of course the endless landscape panorama.
  • Tropauer
    I visited Hortobagy on the 2 November guided tour, just the two of us with a park ranger. He took us to the best and most colorfull views.
  • winkydinkuk
    this , for all the reasons others have written about is, a truly spectacular place to go.........the horsemanship is quite simply amazing and i would urge antone to visit , BUT PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT WHERE YOU STAY,,,,,,,,in my opinion the hotel at mata , which is right nect to the stables is a complete and utter disgrace , i could go on and on......if you have read my reviews you will see that i ma very fair minded......but let me just say that this hotel during my stay had no staff , no food , dirty rooms .....which i could have accepted had i only paid a few euros , but this was 57 euros which is expensive for eastern europe.......i wrote email after email to thw owners without even a cursory acknowledgement......my advice dont waste your money and get a better room in debrrecen for half the price.......BUT YOU MUST SEE THE SHOW IT IS SPECTACULAR
  • WalterDoreen
    In Hortobagy, find the horse show in Mata (leave the main road just West of the village, go North, continue ,across the railroad, at the end turn right untill the road ends). In season you can embark at 12.00, 14.00 and 16.00 for 1 1/2 hour on horsecarts, see the puszta and enjoy wonderful riding demonstrations.This is a MUST, if you visit Budapest and miss this, you have not been in Hungary!.Price: less than $ 10,-
  • NashvilleT
    Spoilt for choice by the things to do and see here
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