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the blessed virgin mary monument

the blessed virgin mary monument

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • NatasaK631
    Very nice monument, worth going through all stairs, but in confortable footwear. Great view. You can take memorable photos from there.
  • chiaraSofia
    This monument looked a bit awkward to me at first, but then, walking to it (it's close to the city center) I realized what awesome view of the city you get! Moreover, there's a bell tower that you can climb and see an even more amazing sight!! Then, right next to the virgin monument there are awesome parks and kid playgrounds, so if you have kids with you, it's a must to take them with you and have them play, bikes, roller skates, everything. Very much liked the nature and peace of Haskovo and it's amazing that they keep making the city more and more beautiful and attractive!
  • pesheff
    Amazing views over the city of Haskovo, whuch is turning into a hidden gem for bulgarian tourism. Many tracian monuments, churches,and an overall fantastic downtown make the city a nice stopover on your way into Bulgaria from Turkey or the other way around, as it is close to the main european landroute to asia. The monument is fantastic, a testament to the strong faith of thepeople of haskovo.
  • Keith186334
    A very large and impressive monument : the largest ot its kind in the world. The little chapel below is lovely.
  • dimitril998
    you can reach the monument by car or foot. It's a huge statue, which you need to see from the tower next to it! With nice 360° overview on Chaskovo. It wasn't crowdy during my visit, so I had the tower all by myself, what was nice to take some pictures.
  • semnik1969
    This is the Highest in the world statue of the Holy Virgin Mary and the Holy Infant! The statue is made of concrete ,it measures 14m (46 ft) and stands on a base of 17m (55.9 ft). Inside his base there is a small chapel.The statue is a landmark of Haskovo and as it stands on Yamacha Hill offers a great view of the town.If you visit it, don't miss to climb in the Bell Tower nearby!
  • 926nellyg
    After visiting the monument you can walk up to a bell tower nearby. The view over Haskovo city is great.
    It's definitely impressive and tall but chatlic statue in orthodox religion town build over a monument that was for the victims of the fascism. Something not quite right there in my opinion.
  • GRNAff
    We ended up visiting the monument by chance. We thought that it would be boring, but were surprised to find out that it was one of the best parts of our trip. Turns out, there is a church, right inside the monument. The music was very mystical and the mix of architecture, really made us feel like in some sort of dream. You really have to experience it to understand...
  • Veneralawrence
    You can also walk up to a modern bell tower nearby, it is overlooking the town of Haskovo. You can enjoy a walk trough the new green park, and visit the St Mary chapel.
  • elena714040
    В городе Хасково Болгария находится самая высокая в мире статуя Девы Марии. Монумент стоит за рекой, почти в самом центре города, и является самым высоким монументом в мире, посвященном Богородице. Его высота составляет 31 метр, благодаря чему монумент даже попал в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Благодаря ее большим размерам и удачному расположению ее можно увидеть почти из любой точки города в любое время суток, даже ночью. Рядом со статуей Богородицы была воздвигнута колокольня высотой в 30 метров, что превращает ее в одну из самых высоких на Балканском полуострове. На вершине колокольни подвешено 8 колоколов разной величины. Колокольня доступна для туристов и с ее самой высокой точки раскрывается красивейший вид на весь город.
  • Messia
    Tralasciando la statua che è la più alta del mondo,e la chiesa che é molto suggestiva, non salite nella torre accanto a mezzogiorno...rischiate di perdere l'udito perchè suona una litania per 12 volte...quindi occhio...anzi orecchio
  • riversidebvba
    Het grootste virgin mary beeld van de wereld.+het nieuwe uitkijk toren er naast,waar u een mooie panoramische zicht hebt over haskovo.
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