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st. george monastery

st. george monastery

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Zazyl
    This monastery is very close to the river. Our kids wanted to go see the river first and since it was summer they wanted to get in the water. Everything is Green around the monastery. The monastery was under re-construction and we where only able to see part of it. The paintings, that we saw, where all beautiful.
  • IrinaM948
    We visited Yuriev Monastery in December. And from one side it is better to see it in summer, when the trees and grass are green and you can also enjoy view of Ilmen Lake. But in winter there is almost no tourists (in summer crowds of them) and only this time you can fully understand the calm and peace of this palce. St. George Cathedral built in 12th centure is the heart of Monastery. This is place it need to see to understand Russian history better. this was center of religion and cultural life of ancient Novgorod. Now it is working Monastery with only 12 people there. You could feel nearness to the lake with strong wind. So it is better to take some warm clothes.
  • Zuek
    This monastery is not well known even in Russia. But this monastery is one of the oldest in Russia. There are several temples on the yard. Main and the oldest is St. George cathedral. In 19th century during restoration old paints of 12th century was almost compleatly destoyed. Original murals only in slopes of windows in upper part of stair tower. If you can find someone how can show it - do it!!!!
  • NataljaL
    Church of Sain George is outstanding. Very peaceful and beautiful place. Frescas on the wall woth to see.
  • Antipich
    Come to wander and soak the atmosphere of spirituality. Go around to look at wonderfully romantic landscapes. Come to watch the cathedral with main iconostas still missing after it was dismantled by communists.
  • RoyL65
    Be carefull of the guardians who seem all to be ladies of a certain age. Much to see if this is your bag, if not why were you here
  • TheEagleGuy
    I was a little worried when our Novgorod guide took us away from the main sights of Novogord to what I was starting to worry was going to be a real tourist trap. I couldn't have been more wrong!Instead we ended up at this monastery and found it a very tranquil and inspiring place. There was only a handful of visitors in addition to us and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. It was a really calming experience and a welcome break from the bustle of the Nogorod Kremlin and Sophia Cathedral.It is a little bit out of the way, but it is well worth a visit despite some parts of the monastery being in obvious need of repair and restoration. Which is ongoing incidentially, and I am sure this is going to be an even better place to visit once it is completed.
  • Missing_inSP
    I have been to the Monastery 3 times in the last 3 years and never tire of it. It is very quiet there, and very easy to get to. Bus 7 or 7a from downtown near the Kremlin Park. Nearby is the museum of wooden architecture. The last time there I had a special treat as the brothers were rehearsing their singing inside the St George church (built 1119). Their voices flowing upwards from behind the iconastasis complimented the entire sensation of being in this historic place. Each time I go back, I find more signs prohibiting entrance to this or that area! I am led to believe that we tourist may tend to wander - just be aware and respectful that people do live and work there inside the walls - that is is a functioning monastery, not just an attraction. The area surrounding is also quite beautiful and meditative.
  • Marywhotravels
    Our guidebook had recommended the Yuriev Monastery as being very old and very pretty, but we were a little worried about finding it. Luckily, Novgorod has the best visitor's center I have ever seen in Eastern Europe. Housed in an adorable wooden cottage, the staff member inside gave us maps and bus directions in fluent English! We took the bus out to what seemed like the middle of an abandoned field, but luckily one other lady got off at the same stop, so we followed her a bit until we saw the monastery's domes rising in the distance.Eventually we came to what was obviously the entrance, because there were several old women begging for alms flanking the gate. The monastery didn't seem to be set up particularly well for tourists. There was a small booth selling tickets and souveniers which was completely unmanned. Out of guilt (it was a monestary, after all) we knocked on various doors until we finally found someone that we could hand some money to. After that, we just wandered about on our own, getting some wonderful photos of these old, old, old churches with their whitewashed walls and bright blue domes. Inside of the main cathedral, built in the 12th century, the atmosphere is very cold and severe, like being in a large stone tomb. The inside is very plain, with almost no ornamentation. Later we poked into some of the more recent buildings, where we found a more modern chapel being prepared for church services. Monks smiled at us and went about their business, while old women asked us if we'd like to buy any icons or books about the saints.It was at this point that we started to feel both extremely hungry and needed to go to the bathroom. We couldn't find anywhere in the monastery that would satisfy either of these urges, so we got directions from a groundskeeper to the only restaurant in the area--a tiny little place by the river's edge in the back of what I can only describe as a shanty town built behind the back walls of the monastery. Crowds of children stared at us, but the food wasn't too bad. There is also a bathroom down the road at the Wooden Architecture museum, we would later discover.
  • Kuznetsov_Sergey
    Мне посчастливилось побывать в Юрьевом монастыре этим летом. Удивительной красоты и духовной силы место! Наблюдал работы по реконструкции Георгиевского собора. Знаю, что ведутся серьёзные работы по реконструкции фресок. Закончатся в 2015 году. Тогда надо ехать смотреть еще раз! Крестовоздвиженский собор Свято-Юрьева монастыря занимает главенствующее место в углу крепостных стен, выходящих к Волхову. Поэтому прогуливаясь по внешнему периметру монастыря, в первую очередь обращаешь внимание именно на него, так как Георгиевский Собор виден только от реки, а Спасский собор и церковь Архангела Михаила и вовсе скрыты от взгляда извне.Крестовоздвиженский собор выделяется своими яркими синими нарядными куполами. Хотя построен он был относительно недавно - в 1823 году на месте утраченной безымянной церкви, которая тоже не была очень древней - XVIII век .В последнее время собор вновь стал действующим и из него выведены мирские заведения - музей, картинный зал. Спасский собор, так же как и Крестовоздвиженский собор Свято-Юрьева монастыря, относительно молод. Он был построен в 1823 году на месте сгоревшей церкви Александра Невского. Он прекрасно дополняет ансамбль монастыря, хотя и считается рядовым зданием XIX века. Говорят, что четырехъярусная колокольня, построенная в 1841 году по проекту Карло Росси высотой 52 метра, поначалу планировалась как пятиярусная. Поэтому ее четырехъярусный вариант выглядит несколько несоразмерно. Но пятый ярус запретил строить Николай I, так как она могла превзойти по высоте колокольню Ивана Великого в Москве. Церковь Архангела Михаила устроена в юго-восточной башне крепостной стены Свято-Юрьева монастыря. Башня - 1760-го года постройки. Церковь - 1831 года постройки. Очень хорошо смотрится с берега Волхова.
  • lud4252
    Ремонтные работы еще идут полным ходом, посмотреть можно немногое) Однако из-за стены со стороны озера прекрасный вид и много рыбачьих лодочек
  • _H4258GK
    В Юрьев монастырь можно приехать из Великого Новгорода на рейсовом автобусе № 7 или 7а (15-20 минут). Автобус ходит по расписанию с интервалом 20-30 минут. При входе на территорию монастыря есть расписание автобусов. Часть монастырской территории закрыта для прохода, т.к. это действующий мужской монастырь. В Георгиевском соборе начала 12 века ощутить религиозный экстаз не удалось, т.к. на маленькой площади, открытой для доступа (часть храма реставрируется), толпилось огромное количество туристов с гидом, который проводил экскурсию. В давке пришлось отстоять очередь за свечами и записками. А потом оказалось, что без толпы, тихо и спокойно, можно заказать молебен на год (350 руб. за имя) и вечный молебен (1000 руб. за имя) в соседнем храме с пятью синими куполами- Крестовоздвиженском соборе.
  • Serquel
    Первый раз побывал в этом месте зимой - красота, спокойствие и величавость. Древность во всем и непреходящее ощущение России - как особого места, особого своей собственной, ни на что не похожей красотой.
  • 958Andrey_V
    Само место хорошее - Ильмень озеро, исток Волхова, Рюриково городище ... Георгиевский собор 1119 г. Старина, что сказать !
  • 15212345678
    Посещая это святое место сразу проникаешься его намоленностью, умиротворением, спокойствием. Очень приятно там находится, уходить не хочется, не хочется возвращаться в реальность современного мира, т.к. в монастыре ощущение времени теряется. Всем рекомендую побывать здесь и почувствовать как же там хорошо.
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