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tchaikovsky house museum

tchaikovsky house museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • alissonvb
    Excente tour!!! Not so close to moscow but very nice place... Ideal to classical musics lovers... The landscapes around is amazing!!!
  • RonsKay
    I have visited this museum 3 times during different seasons. Each season had its' specialness. Inside this museum you will see many personal items of the master. Slippers, hairbrush--still containing T's hair, manuscripts, the desk he wrote some of his masterpieces on, his piano---also played by Van Cliburn, to name a few. The tour is about a half hour and the guide is very knowledgeable. Do not lean on the walls, or touch anything or you will be chastised!
  • WhitneyEichinger
    We read that seeing this museum could be done in a short day trip. Let's just say the Metro to the commuter train, the Klin bus, and then the walk was something you'll need to plan for. We headed out in the morning and took the metro to the Leningradsky station. There is not much English involved through any of this, so print maps for your trip especially map the Klin area. Once off the train in Klin, you are on your own!The buses in Klin are fairly simple. No English, but broken Russian works. We were dropped outside the gate of Tchaikovsky's house. Walked around to the entrance and entered. It's 300R per person and 150R for an audio guide. We purchased one audio guide and were able to listen to it together. The audio guide goes VERY SLOWLY. Just keep that in mind. The house was interesting and the history is also very interesting. The grounds are gorgeous and the museum was not crowded. Worth your time if you have it! It takes about 1.5 hours on the train and then you bus to the house. No one speaks English, but they are super friendly and helpful!!
  • prasadi_12
    a beautiful house of tchaikovsky, well maintained garden witha bed of lillies around... a statue of tchaikovsky sat on the bench in the garden..
  • Ozjane
    We visited this attraction with a private guide in her car. I rather gather given the appalling traffic, she will, in future, take the train with her charges rather than drive. Nonetheless an interesting drive once off the freeways.We started in the shop/ticket office with a brief introduction and the purchase of what we considered to be mandatory souvenirs. (The timetable meant we wouldn't be back there)Then we walked to the house, now museum. The atmosphere was chilling, to think that he had lived here ...The room with a piano in it was remarkable and at one point we were asked to select a favourite piece of music and we sat as the music played and simply absorbed the atmosphere. Our tour continued with our private guide interpreting.We walked around the house, marvelling at the photos and the furnishings of our hero.Later we walked around the external buildings then into the garden. My favourite stop outside was an outsize park bench with a replica Tchaikovsky.While we were taking the inevitable photos, another tourist travelling alone asked us to take a photo of him leaning over the figure of Tchaikovsky. To our surprise he started humming; we found out that the document the figure is holding actually contains musical notes and he was reading them and humming the Tchaikovsky piece as we took his photo.After we left we went into Klin and looked at the restored stores then to a park behind where we enjoyed watching the families out enjoying a Friday evening. Really worth a visit, not just to the museum but to Klin to see a typical Russian town.
  • midway42
    I chose to visit here on my last day in Moscow; after missing a regional train on the final day in the most recent country I visited where people spoke minimal English (Shanghai, China) I hired a private guide to assist with travel plans and interpretation during my visit. We left from the Leningradskiy rail station a little after 10:00AM on a Saturday; it is approximately two hours to Klin proper. After arrival we took a shuttle to the museum grounds. Of note, the town is not a tiny place (population as of this writing is just under 100,000) and it seemed a good ten minutes in the van before we got to the museum.Check-in is actually at the music hall that is near the museum, with options for admission being a single ticket or guided tour in Russian. I chose the latter at I believe around 1000R although to be honest by this point I was so excited to be here I don’t remember the exact cost. After settling the admission fee we were “forced” watch 10 minutes of The Nutcracker, a pre-requisite for everyone touring the house. After viewing the virtual performance, we met our museum guide in the music hall who promptly led us into the House-Museum proper via a brief walk outside. The tour lasted about 45 minutes, including complete interpretation by my personal guide and a thorough review of everything in the museum including both floors of the house and innumerable personal belongings, furniture, his salon and library, and of course the desk upon which he wrote his 6th Symphony. As Tchaikovsky spent only a few months here before his death, the tour was more focused on the last years of his life with some personal anecdotes thrown in for good measure. Many stories were woven into the objects that I saw before me which added a personal dimension to the composer that you simply cannot get unless you travel here. After the tour I was allowed to explore the house alone before departing.While it may be debatable whether I would have made it here without a guide, the importance of one while visiting the house was undeniable. Mine (Tatiana Sazonova at viewrussia.com) was absolutely excellent: gracious, patient, friendly, and polite with everyone we interacted with on the voyage. For small groups and certainly solo travelers I would highly suggest this option. Very few locals outside of Moscow speak English and believe it or not most we talked to in Klin didn’t even know where the house was!Overall my visit here was very rewarding: a nice mix of pilgrimage and learning experience. It is a must visit for those with the interest and means.
  • _M9398FB
    Чайковский говорил, что"...к Клину сам не знаю,как привязался"...Были в этом музее 2 раза, очень понравилось. Там все напоминает о великом русском композиторе, подарившем миру гениальные, до сих пор непревзойденные произведения, почитаемые во всем мире: "Лебединое озеро"."Иоланта", "Щелкунчик","Спящая красавица" и много других. Большое впечатление произвел рояль композитора, казалось, что Петр Ильич ненадолго вышел в прекрасный парк прогуляться и скоро вернется...
  • Denis-moscow
    Были в музее 6 января. Посетителей было немного. Встретили только одну группу. Музей из двух зданий: новое с концертным залом и старый дом, где жил композитор. Очень понравилась экспозиция в самом доме: дети (6 и 11 лет) заинтересовались всем и долго бродили по комнатам. смотрители дают путеводитель по музею. Очень доброжелательны все сотрудники музея. Не обошли и киоск с сувенирами. :)
  • starplayer_moscow
    Музей расположен непосредственно на трассе Москва-Петербург. Много интересной информации о жизни и окружении П.И.Чайковского.Не забудьте прогуляться по небольшому приусадебному парку.
  • Blotch_k
    Познавательная экскурсия с замечательным гидом Дарьей Давыдович, отдельное ей спасибо от нашей семьи! Узнали много интересных фактов из жизни выдающегося композитора, послушали его произведения и даже посмотрели фильм-балет!
  • M3807RE_
    Интересные экскурсии, хорошие экскурсоводы, заботливо хранящие последнее пристанище великого русского композитора. Удивляет необыкновенная скромность, в которой жил этот великий человек! Замечательные концерты. Спасибо!
  • C8522DB_
    Очень понравилось.Музей в отличном состоянии, познавательная экскурсия с музыкальным сопровождением, прекрасное настроение после посещения, хочется вернуться...
  • Platypus29
    Aucune bonne raison d'avoir été à Klin SANS avoir visité le musée de Tchaikovsky. C'est un arrêt obligatoire. Très beau musée. Ça vaut le détour.
  • Milaaaa
    Была там бессчетное количество раз: поездка в Клин с дачи часто украшалась и разнообразилась посещением именно этого музея. С детства приучает к искусству:). Мне там уютно и интересно. Очень подходит для детей практически любых возрастов.
  • Regpo4ta
    Давно хотел заехать в этот музей. Цена на июль 2014г. недорогая - 200р. Удивило наличие аудиогидов на разных языках (за отдельную плату разумеется) и бесплатного вайфая. Т.е. приспособлено для иностранцев. Помимо самого музея, здесь часто проводятся выставки и концерты. Музей будет интересен не только историей семьи Чайковских, но и историей города Клин.
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