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monasterio cistercense santa maria del paraiso

monasterio cistercense santa maria del paraiso

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • galmecoin
    This is the only male monastery in Ecuador. Situated on top of a hill with an out of this world view of the surrounding valles and the great Chimborazo Mountain. A place where you can really feel full peacefulness. The monks offer an hostal type accommodation for overnight stay. They are a strict order of Catholic monks that pray 8 times a day in a small chapel wher everyone is welcome to participate, or at least watch. Regardless of your relgious believes, this is an experience to never forget. The monk of brother attending the small store is so very helpful and exudes the true Cistercensian spirit, making you feel welcome. I go visit as offen as I can, It is a good two hours drive from Quito, but well worth it!
  • JorgeSandoval007
    No muchas personas la conocen y pues vale la pena decir que Ecuador tiene variedad y riqueza Religiosa que se refleja en los monasterios y complejos religiosos de todo el pais y este es uno de esos.
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