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carpe diem vineyards

carpe diem vineyards

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    We are a family owned and run vineyard and we process our grapes in our...


  • Annakeen82
    In all honesty we also have fun in welcoming our guests and in sharing a bit of our passion! Thank you so much for your comment, it gave us even more energy to continue what we are always trying to do in the best way! See you soon! OPS,...Almost forgot: thank you for supporting our "passion"!!
  • FelSop
    Well,First of all thank you for visiting us, for writing such a kind comment and most of all, for supporting our business in such a beautiful way!Nice to hear that you had a nice and relaxed experience! This is all about a wine experience! We thing that "wine experience" should be a nice way to spend a bit of time doing something we love, with passion, some information and a bit of fun too!!Thank you and hope to see you again!Gianfranco
  • M5536ZJpaulw
    Dear Paul,First thank you for the kind comment!Trying to be personally there my self or Francesca, my wife, is the least we can do trying to thank you visitor, for your time and opportunity. As we always say, you are going around visiting wineries to have an experience and not to beg for a 20ml of wine.Thank you again and please, keep spreading the word, we need that!!!See you soon!
  • ElynaD
    Hi Elyna,It has been a pleasure to entertain you and share a bit of "wine passion"! Glad you enjoyed and hope to see you soon!!!
  • 156stevec
    Hi Steve,Carpe Diem means Seize the day, and we are really happy to hear that you really did that! As mentioned from you, it all started from nothing! It just happened that you pulled in! Very happy you apreciate all (or most) of the wines and we are looking forward to seeing you again!!See, never say never!!!! And thank you for your time Steve1
  • Timloveswine
    Hi Tim,What makes my job a bit special, is sharing a bit of that crazy love about wines with people like you! Thank you for that and hope to see you and your lovely young family again soon!!!
  • 911Trevor_R
    Hi Trevor,Thank you for taking the time to spend some words about us and our way of making wines, and thanks again for the nice words!It becomes easy when you are so lucky to catch up with nice people as you are!Thank you!
  • Mark-J-Stapleton
    It has been truly a pleasure to have you here, and we are glad you enjoyed those couple of hours, as we did too!!See you soon and most of all"Carpe diem"!!!
  • chrisfromwa_13
    Dear Friends, your words are describing exactly what we want our visitors to feel! Friends that have a common passion! Thank you.
  • vinequity
    Well well! Thank you all for visiting us and for spending your time in rating us. And obviously thank you for the nice words. It is important to us. thank you!
  • concepttraveller
    The least we can do is to dedicate you the necessary time to explain our wines,...and also to pass on to you, dear guest, a bit of passion!! And with a bit of wine, this job looks really easy and fun!!! Thank you for your time and support!
  • Design-a-tour
    Thank you for your nice words, but remember that without you, we would be useless!! Thank you for loving our wines and for sharing a bit of passion!!
  • donaldc322
    Thank you for your nice comment and looking forward to see you again!!
  • Missamade
    Thank you guys for your support since the early days, and thank you for sharing your good experience with all Tripadvisor visitors!!
  • David-Barker1
    Wow David,Thank you very much for your time and really appreciated!! Looking forward to see you again!!
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