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narana aboriginal cultural centre

narana aboriginal cultural centre

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • Bigkabloona
    Part of our bus tour included a stop here. We got the usual "song and dance" literally. But it was done with a great explanation and more passion than one usually sees.I spent some time with the animals out back, making my acquaintance with Oscar and Polly, two adult emus and the chicks. The adult emus were quite curious about us and allowed us to pet them while hoping for illegal treats. We also saw an abandoned emu egg.The art gallery had some very special art, with some of the artists still on the premises. There was one piece that we really loved, but we couldn't get the price as it had just been hung. It was a haunting painting of an old man whose eyes seemed to follow you as you walked past. Some of the pieces were priced at more than $20,000. This piece was probably in that range, but we never found out. There are other original art pieces for @ $150--we got one of those.Anyway, the visit was well worth the time and if you can add it to your itinerary I don't think you'll be disappointed.Kids will love the garden, the animals, the demonstrations and the food. Adults will like all these and the art.
  • 645kerryg
    An interesting place to visit. Great personel. A bit of hit and miss menus. No place should run out of soups or short orders.. Replace shabby looking menus and keep with the seasons. Keep the menu simple but with a twist. Ask your customers, " any ideas how we can improve" don't take criticism personally. You have a great place exhibit! Ask people about what there is to see and experience. Make sure you have enough staff at all times. Keep it clean always and the customer is nearly always right.
  • 783JohnM783
    Great food, wonderful artifacts, top quality original glassware from Wathaurong Glass, and don't forget to see the emu chicks.
  • 911Adriana
    Having visited the centre for tourist things on Australia to send to Holland for Xmas presents, we stopped in to have a light lunch.Nice staff food simple but nice.Coffee good
  • October-Sweet
    Locals or Visitors to Geelong, Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre is a must see attraction. So very, very interesting, informative, educational and a genuinely fantastic place. No wonder it has won multiple Awards for Best Tourist Attraction for years. There is a great Gift Shop where all manner of Aboriginal articles can be purchased, boomerangs, Flags, Glass ware, didgeridoos, postcards, hats, even sneakers, There is a lovely cafe where you can treat yourself and friends to a breakfast or lunch and get the opportunity to try bush tucker at its best. And there is the Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, this is the real deal. The Art Gallery has displays of different Aboriginal Artist and their wonderful painting style, special events with the Artist present to chat about their works. And the amazing Cultural Centre which is set up in a wonderful timber lined circular building displaying many different Aboriginal Artifacts. This area is also the heart of this fantastic Centre, they have daily educational classes that give you a true look into how the people used different tools, made the paints to decorate there bodies and paint the artworks they are famous for around the world, and all manner of materials that they used to live and survive in the harsh Australian Outback. But that's not all, you also get the chance to go out to the boomerang field and have a first hand demonstration on how to throw a boomerang. Whilst outside if you wander around the grounds you will get to see all the indigenous plants growing as well as the edible garden, and who could forget the mob of Emus, who have recently been let loose out the back and are now breeding. Last but not at all least, if you are really lucky you may be able to get Damien to blow you a tune on his Didgeridoo. The cost for the Cultural Adventure is very, very reasonable and it is best to phone and book (61 52415700) as you can appreciate this really educationally exciting experience is always well supported by schools and groups. Nicholas the manager is only too happy to chat and assist you with enquiries, and as I have mentioned it would be a BIG mistake to not visit this truly special attraction.
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