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terang walking track

terang walking track

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • nearing40
    I walk this track - 4.5km's, every day, and always see something different on my walk. It is located near the toilets and library on the west bound side of the highway. Highly recommended to all who call through Terang
  • Anni09_10
    The walking track is 4.6 km around the edge of a dry lake, and is a great spot to jog or walk. It is possible to push a pram around but there is one fairly steep slope and it is on gravel, so it can be a bit bumpy. You need to walk through the front drive and garden of an old age hostel, which was a little confusing , but had a lovely little gazebo that you are welcome to have a stop in.
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