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penguin parade

penguin parade

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Sandyshi0602
  • lvjiaxiaoyu
  • xaec203
  • cnzjf
  • sandrolee
    我们是自驾过来的,由于原本想买的没了,买了最贵的VIP票,全副武装,也因此可以用望远镜看到企鹅从海岸线成群结队的冲刺到草丛。但企鹅上岸后,还会行走一长段,而我们之后也是转移到普通位置来近距离看企鹅走路回家,因此最便宜澳币22.1的票也一样,可以看到很多企鹅在你身前行走。不过,也还是很不错,看到了全部情况,也有人全程给你介绍。结束离开的时候,真的有只企鹅在我们车头溜达,我们用手电筒照了车底才敢开车。当天海边出现了890只企鹅,看着二三十只的小队一拨拨得只和我们隔着栏杆晃过去,感觉太奇妙了!还遇到两只走错方向晃到了游客通道上。。于是我们都让开 安静地等着企鹅走到另一边路上。然后,原来打企鹅游戏很真实。企鹅归巢中途有小段需要下水,于是能看到几十只排在岩石上,一个一个排队跳下去过河。游过去一个再跳下去另一个。
  • rarlkr
    上周末下午两点离开墨尔本参加了“Little Penguin Bus Tour”,同意其他评论者的意见,主人也就是经营者Mac工作做的很棒,而且这儿的价格实惠。我们订了有私人导游的旅行,但旅行结束,发现,选择Penguin Plus tour就够了。
  • dg01776
  • rrfaff
  • bleep1978
    如果你多付点钱,就会给你升级到“skybox”,其实是沙滩上的看守站,每天晚上用来数企鹅的。但是有点让人失望,要不是可以免费使用望远镜,这里就和普通区域没什么区别。从看守站可以俯瞰普通区域,但是企鹅们都在“Penguins Plus”区玩耍呢,尽自己所能弄到“Penguin Plus”的票吧,那才是最棒的地点呢。
  • sandalsnosox
  • 567philipm
    We will probably never go again so this was a must do. It is a huge building for what is a big operation. We paid for Penguin+ and had seats in the middle. We were supposed to have a coffee but it was not being served when we arrived, although later visitors got one. We waited the requisite time and saw the penguins arriving but being in the middle it was difficult to see. After ten minutes most people left for the boardwalks. We did not and so took their seats. What seemed like hundreds of penguins arrived and we were really close. We followed the last group up the boardwalks and it was really great. The motto be patient. Even got a free hot dog at the end as they had cooled too many.
  • 151olivert
    This was really a great experience. Well, everybody advised us not to go, because it is very, very touristy, but we enjoyed it. At the beginning if the parade, it was really overcrowded. Not everybody got a seat and it was windy and cold. I think there were many tourbuses. And indeed, after the first penguins came in, more than 2/3 of the people moved back to the exit. Which means we had enough space after that and we enjoyed the parade. And this was not the end. In the backyards we were able to watch the penguins looking for their partner. It was so cute. Great experience. Hope you will enjoy it too.
  • RossMackiggan
    My second and last visit to see penguins was Sunday 8th March, there appears to be no limit on the number of visitors allowed in, all cash in the till! It was horribly overcrowded and squashed getting seats, lights were SOO dim that only the front row could distinguish the penguins from seagulls. So people left after ten minutes and so many that the stairs were blocked so no vision of beach at all.on the walkway going back, I got separated from my wife and child in the throngs while my younger son was nearly trampled and carried away by the stampede, he was terrified.wehad to walk through vomit and my wife had to wait forever for the toilet while a toilet woman yelled, hurry up ladies waiting! Really disappointed that the experience has degenerated to this level of overcrowded commercialism
  • 395margaretc
    Dear Margaret CThankyou for your review of your recent visit to the Penguin Parade. I am pleased that you enjoyed so many aspects of your visit, including the service received from our ticketing staff and in the café.You are quite correct that the lighting has changed somewhat since your last visit. We are continuously researching and experimenting with the lighting provided to view the penguins, in an attempt to provide the best viewing for our visitors and importantly, to ensure that the penguins are not disturbed or distressed by the lights.Our extensive research showed us that some of the brighter lighting we used in the past may have in fact been detrimental to the very sensitive eyesight of the penguins, and had a negative impact on their ability to navigate their way back to their burrows. As our primary concern must be for the welfare of the penguins, we have established that the current lighting regime has no negative impact on the penguins' eyesight, yet on balance still provides good viewing for our visitors. Thankyou for also pointing out that the viewing of the penguins from the boardwalks as you return to the Visitor Centre is such a great experience. The message we try and get across to our visitors is that viewing is a two-stage process, firstly from the viewing stands overlooking the beach, and secondly from the boardwalks as the penguins near their burrows, when you have the opportunity to see them up quite close.Thankyou again for taking the time to review your visit and we hope we have the opportunity to welcome you back to the Penguin Parade.Kind RegardsPhillip Island Nature Parks
  • Felixny
    We booked the Ultimate Adventure Tour. This was a unique experience with 12 people and one Ranger. Just the opposite of the mass crowds at the Parade location.
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