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avonlea riding farm

avonlea riding farm

  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • charonb555
    Dreadful! I get the impression these horses are absolutely run into the ground. It was not your big typical open riding school but rather, a tiny arena plonked on a property - the horses are nags - the type you would rescue from the knackery or get for free and the amount of times I have seen this lot advertise for reduced coupons has me concerned that they are desperate for business. The only good thing is the bushland to ride in was pretty. Spare yourself and go somewhere with class.
  • 712clintw
    Trail rides are brilliant Very friendly staff and great horses Was very professional and everyone had a awesome time
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