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timbertops stud & riding school

timbertops stud & riding school

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Yorkshirelass021
    I went with my 10year old grand daughter on a 2hour trek . Her 1st time on a trek --not much above a total beginner .I've been riding for years. A bit worried when I saw the size of the the group. I think we were the oldest and the youngest riders . We received a warm welcome and were supplied with hard hats .The lady owner and her helpers did a thorough check on girths ,stirrups and reins etc.It was a big group and I know from experience what horses can be like in large groups . I needn't have worried . The horses were very well behaved ---the lady (sorry I can't remember her name )had everything under control . To say this was a mixed ability group she managed to give everyone a superb ride . My grand daughter was trotting with confidence and ease with advice and care from staff. She enjoyed it so much she went again the following day.Some of the tack has seen better days but. the lovely horses and staff made up for this shortfall .
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