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gilgandra rural museum

gilgandra rural museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MichaelN779
    On the Newell Highway next to the Cooee Museum but very different.This museum occupies a huge area and offers a real insight into rural life in days gone by. There is a schoolroom, a hospital operating theatre, a kitchen etc. etc.There is also a vast array of agricultural machinery and artefacts relating to life in the country.It is the sort of museum where you find yourself saying "We had one of those !"The museum is staffed completely by volunteers and many of the items have been restored by members of the local historical society. Entrance fee is only $5.This is a must when you visit Gilgandra.
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