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evercreech forest reserve

evercreech forest reserve

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Kim437
    My husband and I are all for seeing what others don't bother to see. We love waterfalls and have been to some spectacular ones. This was not worth the trip. The roads were horrible with giant stones everywhere. Part of the road near the end was washed out and we had to walk in, which was fine. However, there are far better falls in Tasmania to see. Go to Columba falls for sure and skip this. If you decide to go, only make the trip if you have a high clearance vehicle. It will save some of the stress getting there and make the trip more enjoyable.
  • 653helenr
    Well worth the trip, mainly on gravel roads. We first went to the Mathinna Falls, which is well worth the 30 mins walk but be careful as we did cross path with a snake. The falls are beautiful! We then followed the signs to the Evercreech Forest Reserve to see the White Knights which you can take the easy 5 min walk in. They are absolutely amazing and so huge
  • biffinfamily
    My husband found out about this hidden Tasmania treasure on the discovertasmania website. Even the ladies at the various information centres we visited didn't know this place existed!The road to the Reserve is mostly unsealed & had some pot-holes. We wouldn't recommend towing a standard caravan on this road. (We left ours at the free-camp spot at Fingal.) Keep your eye out for wildlife - we were lucky to see an echidna & visit him up-close.Our family of 2A & 6C (1,2,5,7,8,10) explored this Forest Reserve for almost 4hrs! Admittedly though the size & ages of our family makes for slower going than most families so you could probably do the 2 walks in about 1hr30mins - 1hr40mins.We firstly did the walk to the "White Knights" (the tallest white gumtrees in the world!) Their size/height is just A M A Z I N G! We chose to do the steeper circuit walk which allows you to view the trees from below and above & it is definitely steep but even our 2 yr old managed it ok. They say the steeper walk should take about 20mins but we think a guide of 30mins would be fairer. The steeper walk is not suitable for strollers or wheelchairs but I would personally say not even the shorter/level walk is suitable for either of those anyway (even though the Tas Parks/Wildlife website states that it may be suitable for strollers wheelchairs) - our experience didn't agree with that recommendation. The level/shorter walk guide says 10mins but again we think 15mins would be a better guide plus allow time to just stand in the shade of these giant trees and be mesmerized by them.After a lunch stop in the beautiful grounds with undercover tables & chairs & outdoor seating too, aswell as woodfired BBQ's (wood supplied).....we then ventured off on the Evercreech Falls walk. The Falls walk took us about 1.5hrs return & was a difficult track (for our aged family). In saying that, it was really fun & adventurous! The Falls are quite diminutive at around 5-7m & I will say that after the challenging walk to get to the falls, the kids were somewhat disappointed at the "reward" before them. But when asked, they all agreed they were glad we did it!The Falls track had really narrow parts where we couldn't walk side-by-side holding our 2yr olds hand & other places where we had to climb over/around tree stumps. There were some steep rises to climb also & parts that were quite slippery. The track followed the Evercreech Rivulet and added to the beauty of this walk. The Falls walk was a side-attraction for us. We went here to view the "White Knights" but adding both of these walks together made for an adventurous, enjoyable half-day spent in nature.No park fees apply either - all free!
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