

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Mona - the Museum of Old and New Art - is Australia's largest privately...


  • Goodfoodgoodkarma
  • MartaL597
  • gra1Sydney
  • AustraliaPaz
    当你在霍巴特的时候,你一定不能错过。他们真的做得非常出色,把有趣的博物馆都整合在一起了。这里有非常老的东西-但是却用一种很现代很独特的方式来展示-你一点都不觉得你是在博物馆里。其次,还有一些新的东西-但是你会觉得你更像是在一个博物馆里,而不是在一个画廊里。很不错-再加上隔壁的Moo Brew的味道很不错的白酒和啤酒,真的是这趟旅程最棒的地方了。
  • 啃了一口的苹果
    首先本页的标签错误,MONA不是历史博物馆,而应该归入艺术收藏类的博物馆,这点从MONA的全称就可以看出:Museum of Old and New Arts。David Welsh投资重新兴建了这座博物馆,并与2011年1月21号面向大众开放,并且门票免费。从Hobart市中心去到MONA有三种方法:开车,骑自行车,搭乘游艇。进入到MONA会被她极具现代感的色彩布置所吸引,并且在入口处每人所拿到的Itouch也在告诉大家艺术和科技的结合可以多么密切。在MONA的游览中这部touch可以提供定位,索引,介绍等多种服务。我看了上面酷讯从google上面copy下来的评价,所有人都在说保持一份开放的心态看待MONA的收藏品。因为MONA的主题是:Sex and Death。这里不牵扯雅俗共赏的问题,更多的是在看浏览者接受事物和随之思考的能力。我看到不少不解不明白让我觉得很无语的作品,但是老婆却看的津津有味,让我感慨从商和做艺术的差别。此外MONA的展品中不全是围绕主题进行的,有很多创意设计让人眼前一亮。如果到Tassie来玩儿,MONA是一个值得让你用一天时间品玩的地方。PS,她的cafe提供的食物很不错。
  • WestcoastPeter
    I didn't know what to expect when going to MONA, and wasn't sure of what I saw after leaving. The underground structure and lighting is very impressive. Surface location and cafe overlooking River Derwent was excellent. However, the displays were disappointing and pretentious. Piles of coal surrounded by gunny sacks, piles of industrial metal on top of broken glass, TV monitors scattered about showing videos of I don't know what, a wall with hundreds of plaster full scale models of female genitalia, Egyptian mummies and coffins (the staff did not know if they were real or facsimiles) and on and on.To make things worse there were no written descriptions of the art (?) or who the artists were, there was no logic to the flow of the displays, as everything seemed to be randomly placed. Final impression was a feeling of pretentious artists and curators knowing what is 'best' in modern art, rather than the peons paying the way. After seeing a number of galleries recently in Germany and Austria, I was very disappointed in what was on display at the MONA.
  • KarmaKarmie
    I loved this place, from the journey to the art. We got the boat there and back, it was so great to arrive this way, it felt really special. I liked the iPod approach to guiding us round the gallery, although sometimes it got a bit heavy on the eyes. The art was spectacular. A great place. I could go back any day. Hobart has a gem here.
  • CarlC434
    This is NOT your father's museum. It is an experience that will not be to everyone's liking. Some exhibits are outstanding, some provoke wonder, and some will leave you asking " what the hell were they thinking?" It has been described as a rich guy's " look at me " project. Not necessarily incorrect.
  • JMH28
    We had heard that you either love or hate MONA, so we were prepared for anything. And then we got to MONA and realized that nothing can prepare you for it. The building itself is AMAZING and the system of providing iPods with all of the exhibit info is very cool, I must say. (Side note: I noticed someone else commented that the iPods didn't provide information about each piece, only the name of the artist, but that's not the case - there are different tabs with different info and they provide a wealth of information on the artwork including the artist's inspiration). The art is varied and very thought provoking. Whether you like it or not, it's sure to surprise you and impress you - if nothing else with it's scale and creativity. For me, MONA isn't so much a place you either love or hate (although you may love or hate some of the artwork), it's a place to be amazed, impressed and to broaden your thinking of what it means to be art. Definitely worth a visit if you are in the area.
  • O7169ZTkarenm
    Our second trip and it's just still amazing. Mind opening and provocative and the Cloaca has to been and smelt to be believed!
  • 450kayt
    hey, kiwi from outback wa...my lady and myself spent nearly a day at mona..great boat trip out and back , a fantastic collection of 'out there art'...we all ways had something to talk about the exibits, ..as they say 'art is in the eye of the beholder'...loved the controversial stuff, was great observing folks reactions....could say that you need a penis wall to go with the vaginas, ..and a fantastic job on the building , and a great market/music out the back .......will recommend .....got told off a few times ..just wanted to touch stuff....the attendants were helpful with answers...well done 'god'....................ps ..great having no signage!!
  • 636maxineb
    We were so looking forward to the day at Mona, but were greatly disappointed. you are given an ipad to view the displayed pieces but it doesn't list what it means or where the idea came from just the artist that made the pieces. After viewing each piece it asks for love or hate, the latter got our vote alot, we just didn't get it. The security people were overpowering too. We couldn't believe the ladies parts on display and then you can buy soaps in the shop. The only reason we would visit again is to eat at Source restaurant.
  • TravellingCritic123
    Fascinating, always varied, always changing fantastic collection of exhibits. Intriguing, wonderful and curious. Definately need to spend an entire day exploring this wonderful venue.
  • Bbbeeeccc
    Ferry and cafe were great! Interesting exhibits but not a lot there, was difficult without signage throughout building and didn't seem to flow - also limited headsets and information on the o devices we spent more time looking down at them finding exhibits and explanations rather than appreciating the art works. Perhaps some more Australian artists/exhibits would be good too.
  • Sergiosydney
    Very nice grounds. Someone with a big Ego decides to show off. Art not for all. The Guy has car park signed "GOD" and God Mistress". Not worth the price tag for visitors outside Tasmania.
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