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furneaux museum

furneaux museum

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Z9843STpatricias
    Great museum . particularly enjoyed all the old artefacts, extensive displays of bird eggs, rocks and semi precious stones. Spent quite some time in the "file" section reading up on all kinds of interesting facts . original settlers, shipwrecks, mutton bird industry, dairy/butter/cheese making factory etc.
  • ruthyoung059
    So much history in one small spot! From music to mutton birding, truly a must to see!! Gave you a glimpse into how life must have been like on this very beautiful Island, which has advanced in ways and yet has remained so simple and laid back!
  • dannyb938
    This is not a big museum with loads of stuff. It's run by volunteer locals - stop and chat to them, they're great.
  • 599jennyg
    Wrecks, settlers, mutton birding, indigenous history... all in wonderful detail and supported with amazing artefects. Much history in the buildings themselves. Modern main building, everything presented well and organised. The local volunteer on duty the day we visited was vry knowledgable.
  • rogainer
    The museum is a collection of buildings capturing many facets of the island's history - and that of neighbouring Bass Strait islands. Tucked away in one room are dozens of folders on individual families, events, and specific aspects of the last 200 years.
  • RudyB919
    Well worth a visit as you can and will learn so much.If you have had a large or small connection to the Island in your life you may come back the next day as you realise there is so much information to rediscover you may find you haven't given yourself enough time.Any first time visitors please look at the history here at the Museum as you will thoroughly enjoy it.I believe a must do for any visitors and maybe some residents also?You could spend hours here or a memorable 1-2 hour
  • 148DavidL148
    You could easily spend a couple of hours here. Do yourself and the volunteers a favour and get there at opening times. You won't regret it.
  • tonyg401
    Open on weekends and public holidays, Furneaux Museum offers visitors (and locals alike) the opportunity to explore some history on what happened to original settlements in Australia. As the generations pass, Australian will be grateful that this museum has collected a kaleidoscope of history worthy of recognition, a visit and a few hours wandering....great addition to Flinders Island.
  • Michael-Barry
    Whilst only open weekends as it is manned by volunteers, it has much of the Islands history told in picture and objects, allow a good couple of hours to browse
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