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  • zjjtys
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    从Mt.John山下来,继续往西开大约半小时就能到达Lake Pukaki。又是一个令人惊艳的湖泊!开车看到那美丽的湖水,就按捺不住奔下去看的冲动,美的不真实!在新西兰的公路上都是一种享受普卡基湖(Lake Pukaki)在Lake Pukaki的旅游信息中心里,有这么一家三文鱼专卖店。这里卖的三文鱼没有任何污染,被评为最高等级的三文鱼刺身!路过千万不要错过啊~
  • 匿名
    接下来便是新西兰之行我认为最美丽的一个湖--Lake Pukaki。它位于Tekapo与Twizel之间,是一个内含天然矿物质的高山湖泊,所以湖水在阳光下会呈现奶蓝色。湖边没有人,一切都那么静谧。那天的阳光格外耀眼,层层白云从远处的雪山后露出来,在湖面形成倒影。湖光山色,一切都美的那么不真实。坐在湖边不想动,就让时间肆意流逝吧。好吧,我已经玩HIGH了。 美景当前一定要犯二!相信我多发一些图片大家应该没意见吧。哎内个谁,跟那儿摆什么POSE呢,装! 湖边的石滩,真适合打水飘儿。小伙伴们玩起来,话说我真不会…来来来,大家来找找看石滩中有谁?一直围着我们要吃的,可惜面包在车里没拿下来。结束语是亲密合影,哈哈。
  • 匿名
    开出三文鱼场没多久,左手边出现了一片仙境般的湖水,普凯基湖 (LakePukaki),湖水颜色因冰川的关系呈现出另人惊艳的奶蓝色。湖边逗留很久,美的不想离开。正享受安静风景,突然旁边钓鱼大叔大喊帮忙,另一个钓鱼大叔跑过来帮他把鱼弄上来,大叔开心地称重给我们看,太阳花MM趁机跟大鱼合影。下午3点抵达Lake Tekapo,我们定的木屋就在湖边,坐在房门前看天、看湖、看野鸭、看野兔。
  • Y8808JGdavidt
    Awesome photo opportunities all around the lake, on the main road and close to it. The colour of the water is unique. Well worth the stop.
  • WanderingPaddy
    Heaven on Earth.....unspoilt....get there before it gets commercialised like Lake Tekapo !We stayed in a Home Stay overlooking the lake just off the Mount Cook highway....wonderful !Utter tranquility and a feasts for the eyes and soul...unforgettable ,,
  • jools011
    We stayed down by the waters of this beautiful lake, freedom camping in a self contained campervan. The views are lovely only marred by the fact the clouds were over the top of Mount Cook. Even so the waters were amazing. There is an i site just over the bridge.
  • Craig1991
    Lake Pukaki is a must see if on a journey around NZ's South Island. We stopped on our journey between Queenstown and Christchurch, via Lake Tekapo. The colour of the water is unbelievable, seriously no need for filters on your shots, due to its proximity to the mountains.The mountain range, which includes Mt Cook, give the vista that extra special backdrop and add to the experience.Do not expect much in the way of facilities when you stop in the layby though except for a steady flow of similar tourists. It will likely be a quick stop here so don't plan a full day around it.
  • MarkSNL
    Definitely the most beautiful lake in New-Zealand.Especially when the sky is clear so you can see the top of Mount Cook and when the sun shines on the lake making the water unbelievable blue. That view is one of the best in the world!
  • Leonsaurus
    For a free scenery, this place is just amazing. Turquoise blue for the whole lake, with snowy alps on the background. There's no way you will miss it when you drive past it. I actually had to tone down the saturation a bit in editing-app to make the pictures believable.If you have time, drive north for a while. There's a scenic view spot in high area. You will get much better view rather than just standing lake-side. It'll only take about 30 minutes to go-and-return to highway 8
  • leongk336
    Drove past this enroute to Mt Cook. What a beautiful colour! The drive was most pleasant, all along the side of this lake.
  • kelvinl772
    We were lucky to have a run of really settled weather, and spent two part days around this lake. It is the most stunning blue, and pictures will not do it justice. We also had a crack at some fishing on the edges, and although we saw a few nice trout, they are still in the lake.Some really good picture taking spots all around, but please, don't just stop in the middle of the road to take photos as we saw several tourists doing - you run the risk of wearing another tourist running into the rear of your car........
  • shazcool
    The most picturesque scenery ever, this stunning turquoise coloured lake is nestled below Aoraki/Mt Cook and its surrounding alps. The outside temperature was rising as we drove through Central Otago, over Lindis Pass to Lake Pukaki, enroute to Christchurch. Pukaki offered a welcome cool down opportunity as we gingerly negotiated the piled up boulders that border it. A must see attraction!
  • NZfour
    Take a break here - get away for the road - bring a picnic - enjoy the quietness - sit back and enjoy one of New Zealand's most stunning lakes. The colour is amazing and will not disappoint. Views on clear days right to Mt. Cook.
  • culturevulture94
    Lake Tekapo receives all the tourist hype, but Lake Pukaki gets my vote for scenic beauty. The lake fairly shouts "turquoise!" And the view of Mt. Cook--absolutely stunning. And the best part--there's no one there. You can also stop at the Mt. Cook Alpine Salmon Information Center for a look at their salmon farming and an interesting look at a statue of area Himalayan Tahr.
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