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musee regional de la cote-nord

musee regional de la cote-nord

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • shorexcursions
    There is not much here in Sept-Iles so a visit to this little museum is an interesting option. Local history and artefacts plus small gift shop. If you have a few hours free it's worth a visit.
  • azbirder41
    Interesting displays. Great gift shop with exceptional value.While clerk diid not know how to operate the computer, she went out of her way to be helpful
  • jamesccasterline
    There isn't much here. There are a few intems relating to the geology and history of the area. There isn't much. Excluding special exhibits what is ther comfortably fits in two rooms. However this is a small town museum and is a work in progress. It does give you a look at history, ethnography, and society of this remote area. Worth a stop. Cost $5 Canadian and a docent walked us through.
  • LuiggiF776
    Peu de moyens et muséographie assez conventionnelle mais quelques photos d'archive intéressantes qu'on aurait aimé pouvoir acheter par la suite. On y apprend que l'une des premières cartes de Sept-Iles fut effectuée par le capitaine Cook.
  • Backpackready
    Accueil chaleureux. Exposition intéressante. Bonne synthèse de l'histoire de la région. Vaut l'arrêt!
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