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oxtongue river-ragged falls provincial park

oxtongue river-ragged falls provincial park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • HenryBl
    A short walk but you enter another world. We sat and watched the falls and gently flowing stream surrounded by rock formations and felt as if mesmerized. A great short stop at Algonquin to enjoy natures solitude at its best without the distraction of the milling crowds.
  • Anna16123
    The falls themselves are serene...breathtaking even. The only disappointment was a 20 ft chain link fence along the most impressive spot. It really took away from the natural setting.
  • jessicaf512
    Whenever we go up to Algonquin, we make this our first stop. Just outside the west end of the park, it's a short but lovely introduction to the beauty that the area has to offer.
  • 282Juliette282
    This was such a beautiful stop, a short walk, the falls was just amazing, the rock are really great because you can go down and sit watching the falls, my husband and I went for a short hike at the bottom it was such an amazing view from the bottom. You should wear hiking shoes, you can even have a small picnic there.Its a must to see if you are in the area.
  • SueFin
    We had a pass to Algonquin Park and it included entry to this park. I don't know what I was expecting, but Ragged Falls certainly surprised me! It was positively roaring down the side of the hill. I loved how there was a big area of rock that you could walk onto, that brought you closer to the falls. It was all around us! We got some great pictures and felt like we had witnessed a beautiful part of nature at this site! Made me proud to be a Canadian! Ha!
  • HeatherH427
    For a relatively short hike, you can see rather nice falls. This year they ran well, but they are most spectacular in the spring when the water levels are at their highest. They are behind a barrier which does not impede the view
  • JennLAnd
    This park is basically a dirt road leading to some beautiful tranquil rapids. We always visit for a short period when we are up at Algonquin. There is also a couple picnic tables available and a porta potty. I noticed a fire pit there as well. We be a nice spot to relax by a fire.
  • RockLakeMama
    These falls are stunning! It's quite an experience to climb down the boulders and picnic right next to the roaring water (Watch your and your children's footing and keep a very short leash on dogs, though!)
  • cathm562
    very few people, just us and nature, red squirrels and chipmunks are cute, trees are just changing to autumn colours
  • ckwallace
    Ragged falls are just outside Algonquin and are worth seeing. Multiple tiers make this set of falls special.
  • parkwaycottages
    Owing to the amount of rain this year the falls are well worth a visit. You do not have to purchase a separate pass for Ragged Falls as some uninformed tourists have suggested you can use your Algonquin Park pass to visit this attraction. I have visited the falls many times but they are at their best in fall when the torrent roars over the rocks and boulders through a cathedral of red and gold maple trees.
  • bkpkwok
    It was a short walk with few scenic views but they charged extra for visiting this Park (not included in the Algonquin Park fees). The walk itself was not spectacular with only one or two picturesque spots along. A bit disappointing but maybe we didn't spend enough time exploring there.
  • sir_jomic
    A nice place to visit. We rented a canoe and went up to the falls by the river. I reccomend doint this instead of the trip from the parking lot.
  • geoffm319
    The trails at this park are relatively short, but doable. There are some punchy little hills and a couple of spots where it gets especially steep or rooty so folks with mobility issues may have a problem. A friend could likely help most anyone get around though.Upon the initial climb, you will hear the falls in the distance. This is not so much a waterfall as it is a chute - see my attached photo. If you immediately descend the hill, you will not be able to see the falls unless you wade into the water. Don't bother though because as it is a chute, you cannot see much of the rushing water. Rather than making that descent, continue to follow the trail upwards. You will soon reach the top and be able to step upon large boulders where the creek flows. As it is funneled into the chute, it gains speed and ferocity as it tumbles over the rocks. Here if you venture onto the boulders, you can look down and see the water rush on. Again, folks with mobility issues will have difficulty with some large steps up or down.Up river of the falls, the path continues along the creek and goes on quite a ways. Here you can wade in the water to cool off. Beware though that the water is fairly calm, but a child can easily be swept away and will die if they go down. Control your child!All in all, the only down side is the parking. You won't need much time to get there and back. If you really take your time, an hour will probably be plenty. Bring exact change. The parking machine does not give you change for any over spending.
  • elmaestra
    Geräte gut in Schuss und freundliches Service. Es ist schon eine Erfahrung mit dem Kanu oder Kajak durch einen schönen See von Kanada zu touren. War auch eine schöne und ruhige Runde.
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