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lions head provincial nature reserve

lions head provincial nature reserve

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Hikepaddleski
    Lion's Head has the Bruce Trail is great to snowshoe in the winter. It's a sleepy place in the winter which is the pristine beauty of the area ! Although very cold, we dressed in warm layers and found ourselves to be very toasty indeed. An absolute winter wonderland.
  • YannR359
    There are nice trails to walk. It is not a long walk to the grotto. The visitor centre has a nice exposition about nature (also very attractive for children) and a film to watch.
  • lolas870
    the white limestone cliffs of the Niagara escarpment, melting into the blue clear water of Georgian bay is a really breathtaking sight. hike is a bit long for kids, so be well prepared with snacks and water and lots of little activities for the young ones. don't do the hike if it is raining or wet outside, you don't wand to slip over the rocks. other than that, amazing! stop into the town of Lion's Head for delicious ice cream and to take your picture in front of the old light house.
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