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the copper mine

the copper mine

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • JeffP224
    Stopped here on the way to the Baths. Takes about ten minutes to see the whole thing. Very nice views but there is nothing else here other than the old copper mine.
  • Avery_Jules
    If you have a rental car make the trip to the copper mine. Amazing history and fantastic views. The mine is located in a very secluded part of the island and the scenery will leave you breathless.
  • LNG
    copper mine itself. takes about 2 minutes to walk there from the small parking area. There is a board that discusses the history of mining in the area staring with the Amerindians in the 1400s so that was a bit educational.
  • benddragon
    These copper mine ruins sit right on the water and have great views in all directions. You can see a lot of the rocks that turned green from the copper content in them
  • LHine
    beautiful old ruins and history. It was a stop on our island self tour. It was a beautiful site and view of water swells.
  • LukeP754
    I am a geology nerd so I found this place pretty darn cool. We found a geocache there and enjoyed looking at the ruins and the view itself. The oxidized copper in the granite was neat to see.
  • AcmePro
    If you are on Virgin Gorda,put aside an hour to take the drive up the ridge on the southeast side of the island to snap a few shots of the ruins and the crashing ocean below or change your perspective to face north and include the view of Gorda Peak across the bay.
  • 240anniem
    we came just to check it out and find the geocache that was hidden there. we thought the old rock structure was a cool photo opp--especially with the big waves and cliffs in the background. the green copper was cool too to be seen on rocks etc. Some neat flowers here also.
  • cassiuswright
    One of the absolute best locations on the island for dramatic sweeping landscape shots. If you time it correctly, you can even catch a few small airplanes landing at the VG airport. If you go at night for any sort of photography, plan on bringing a flashlight- there are basically zero facilities besides a parking area and sign. A photographer's dream, you get dark sky, amazing ruins, far off lights in the distance from the islands, and generally, a totally deserted place to paint with light or do longer exposures.
    There isn't much left of the 19th Century copper mine, but I was curious to check it out whilst I was here. From the entrance, the route down to the mine didn't take long, nor did walking around the mine, (or rather, its ruins). A lot of the area around the mine was roped off (probably for safety reasons), so it was difficult to see inside the structures. Nevertheless, it was an interesting experience, and you could still see the copper deposits on the surrounding rocks, which was cool. It was a sunny day and nobody else was about, so it made for a rather nice stroll.It's definitely worth visiting whilst in Virgin Gorda, but don't make it the only reason you visit (there are far better places to see!)
  • buddyfan_x
    As we generally holiday in Cornwall, UK this was like a blast from the past. The Cornish tin miners were used to provide the knowledge and the remains of the site look like so many tin mines in Cornwall. There is a little information and the place was empty. We went there after The Baths and personally I preferred it.
  • 77erinh
    We went on a rainy day. Nothing much to look at but is interesting and a quick walk around the old mine.
  • 150frankw
    The views from the old copper mine are gorgeous, and it's interesting to see the relics. Walk around the back of the mine and take a look at the cliffs facing the water--they're green with copper.
  • TheCuriousTravelers
    Coppermine Point was a great side trip after a day at the Baths and before watching the sun set at the Mine Shaft Café. There is a placard to describe what you are seeing (cistern, boilers, chimney, engine room), though the map of the paths on the placard doesn’t match the actual path. You can still see the green tinge of copper in some of the rocks in the area. The view across to the airport is beautiful. The visit doesn’t take more than 15 minutes or so.
  • beonedrine
    We heard mixed reviews from the forums concerning the Copper Mine. From waste of time to very little to see. We were saying on the island and had some time, so we figured why not?We were pleasantly surprised at what the Copper Mine had to offer. Yes it is at the end of a long winding road but in reality its a mile or so from the boat docks, probably a $5 cab ride tops. There's a small parking area at the end of the road and definitely wear some shoes or hiking shoes, there's a lot of loose gravel with small slopes n such that creates a little loose footing. Read the signs and read the history behind these copper mines, imagine yourself in their positions. Mind boggling really. The structures left are rather historic and inspiring. I say inspiring because this was extremely difficult work at a time modern times. Pretty cool stuff. Now there isn't a whole lot to see structure wise. The mine ruins, while neat, are a standing few and wont take you hours to explore. Our group also spent a bit of time exploring the massive rocks and structures that the mines were built on. I enjoy some mountaineering, hiking and climbing so this area was paradise. I climbed my way out to the extent of the rocks overlooking the ocean and had a back drop of the copper mines. If you enjoy taking in scenic views and just really isolating yourself with the vastness, the powerfulness and the beauty of the natural world and the oceans, spend a bit of time over at the Copper Mine.The history behind the Copper Mines is only one small reason why they stood out so much with me. The natural beauty, the power of the ocean along with the waves crashing into the islands and Mines makes this a bit of a underrated gem. I hate to quote a movie but I will. Matthew Broderick's character (Ferris Bueller) had the following line, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Live this line!
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