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penon brusi

penon brusi

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • armandoh901
    In front of Camuy City. Few parking spot and does not look save for other than surfer. Take a risk and if you survived made a report on trip advisor
  • StanleyG935
    Took the family here after a local recommended it. The map was a bit off from trip advisor, so I screen shot the location from google maps and uploaded it. There is free parking available right next to the beach. There are different activities available to do here. Swimming, surfing, fishing, camping and plenty of beautiful scenery. The kids and I took a dip in the beach. The swimming area suprisingly had very few to no rocks at all; mostly sand. The kids of course had a blast, swimming in the cool water and making sand castles. After the fun, I took them up a huge rocky formation via some stone steps on the side of it. Took great pictures while taking in the cool ocean breeze. One bit of a flaw of this beautiful beach. They charge $1 to use the bathroom. So, be wary of that. Also, no benches available, so bring a blanket or large towel to sit on. All in all, the beach is small but water is great and scenery is beautiful. You'll definitely love it!
  • rafaeler
    he visto como lo han cambiado a travez de los años, ahora es mas atractivo, mejores facilidades y cuenta con una pescadería donde además puedes picar fresco y/o comer . Hay un salón de actividades, tiene estacionamiento y tal vez puedas ver el Flamingo de Camuy
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