当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >中国 >台湾 >新竹 >新竹市美术馆暨开拓馆


  • 等级:3A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    886 3 531 9756


  • SIA0302
    《2014.10.02》我是沿着东门城旁的护城河亲水公园走来的,附近有原新州厅(今新竹市政府 ),消防博物馆,影像博物馆等地可以顺游。 新竹市美术馆暨开拓馆建成时是日治时代的新竹市役所。它是坐用美丽砖头以及厚重感十足的混凝土所建成的官方建筑。也因为或许有官厅色彩,砖头的选用上比起一般建筑来说更加考究。建筑所呈现的美观,绝对不输附近崭新的现代大楼。建筑前人行道有个简介牌,强烈建议观看,可以从中了解建筑的历史沿革,以及特色。这栋建筑,现今为美术馆暨开拓馆,属于地方性的小型博物馆。一楼为开拓馆。二楼是美术馆。走一趟就可大致了解新竹的样貌,建议前往。里头的志工也充满热情,有问题可加以询问。开馆时间:周二~周日 ,9→17时。不过,就算没开馆。建筑本身也值得一看。
  • Asoupcan
    If you're interested in the history of Hsinchu, this quaint museum has significant details for you. It is always staffed with knowledgeable volunteers whom greet every guest like a visiting family member. The literature regarding the history of Hsinchu is right there on the display flags, but the volunteers there will gladly reinterpret them for you. Knowing Mandarin is helpful with the tour guides, but there is English aplenty for each display. Do you know why Hsinchu was once a walled city? Do you know from whom they were protecting themselves from? Do you know how the famous Hsinchu meat balls were fist conceived? Do you know why Hsinchu rice noodles are superior to other rice noodles? Find out at this venue.Upstairs will display an artists works sometimes waiting as long as two years to get this space.
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